dictionar englez roman


The Bureau of the European ParliamentBiroul Parlamentului European
The bureau shall organise the work of the committee.Biroul organizează activitatea comitetului.

Termeni asemănători cu "bureau": Babara, bar, bare, Bari, Barr, Barri, Barrie, barrier, barrow, Barry, Bary, bayberry, bear, Bear, bearer, beaver, beeper, beer, beery, before, behavior, behaviour, Berri, Berrie, berry, Berry, Beverie, bier, biro, boar, bobber, boor, bore, borer, borrower, bower, boyar, bra, bray, Brea, Brear, Bree, brewer, Brewer, brewery, Bria, briar, Brie, brier, Brier, brio, brow, buffer, bur, burr, burro, burrow, burrower, buyer, by a hair, by air, by power, to bar, to bare, to be before, to be for, to be up for, to bear, to beware, to bore, to borrow, to bray, to brew, to buffer, to burr, to burrow, to bury.

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