dictionar roman englez


manager manager
manager de apeluri call manager
manager de asistență tehnică technical account manager
manager de conexiune connection managerinformatică
manager de cont account manager
manager de conturi account manager
manager de dispozitive device managerinformatică
manager de încărcare boot managerinformatică
manager de pachete package managerinformatică
manager de profile profile managerinformatică
manager de servicii service manager
manager de sincronizare sync manager
manager de sincronizare synchronization manager
manager platformă platform managerinformatică
managerial managerial
managerul responsabil the accountable manager
lipsa unui manager responsabil the lack of an accountable manager
numele și semnătura managerului responsabil the name and signature of the accountable manager
Couldn't select: Table './roen_dictionar/citat_cache_roen' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed